Wednesday 21 December 2011

5 Great Christmas Gifts I've Received From Santa

1. Fisher Price Kitchen

I received this when I was two years old and was too busy playing with it to open any of my other presents, so I opened the rest gradually over the next week.

2. Barbie cassette player/ tape recorder

I don't know if you can see it, but the cassette player is there in the background. I loved this thing. You could sing along with your favourite songs and record yourself singing. It was like the poor man's karaoke machine - you either had to know the songs by heart or read the liner notes along with the song.

All the other kids thought my Barbie cassette player was cool too. I can remember three kids my mom used to babysit asking me if they could have it. I never really understood why kids would ask such a thing. Why would I give you one of my favourite toys for absolutely no reason?

This was an awesome Christmas by the look of this picture. I can see a craft set, sticker books, a red pencil sharpener, a piggy bank and a Mega Blocks Dream House.

3. Beauty and the Beast Starcastle

This picture actually has nothing to do with the Beauty and the Beast Starcastle, I just couldn't find a picture of me opening it on Christmas morning. Starcastles were basically a larger version of a Polly Pocket. I loved Polly Pockets so I loved this too - especially since Beauty and the Beast was my favourite movie at the time. I still have this on my dresser in my bedroom at my dad's house. It's missing a lot of pieces though. I was pretty hard on my toys as a child and Polly Pocket-sized dolls were so easy to lose.

4. Various books

Once again, this picture has nothing to do with anything. I loved to read (still do) and I was thrilled (still am) to receive books for Christmas. I remember getting a hardcover copy of Little House in the Big Woods, Skylark (the sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall), Shivers books (a Goosebumps rip off which I ended up liking more than Goosebumps) and a box of assorted Christopher Pike books (I definitely remember getting The Last Vampire and The Lost Mind, but can't remember the others). I probably received others, but I can't remember any right now.

5. Karaoke machine

This present actually didn't work when I got it and I had to exchange it at Wal-Mart for a new one. I remember my mom making the guy open it and plug it in to ensure in worked and being embarrassed. But it was totally worth it. I had so much fun with this - until I discovered SingStar and Rock Band.

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